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[原创] 新概念二册词组总结 持续更新中  

2009-12-07 09:17:38|  分类: 英语学习 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Lesson 01

Last week  上周  

Go (going、went)to the theatre 去看戏

Very good 非常好

Very interesting   非常有趣的

Sit(sitting、sat) behind me 坐在我后面

Talk about 谈论

Get(got) angry  生气

Turn round  转身

Turn around  转身

Look at  看着

once a month  每月一次

twice a month  每月两次

three times a month  每月三次

knock at one's door  敲门

Pay attention 注意

In the end  最后

None of your business 不关你事


 Lesson 02

On Sundays 指每个星期日

what a day 多么糟糕的天气

Get up 起床

just then  就在那时

Until lunchtime 一直到吃午饭的时候

Last Sunday  上个星期

Out of 在什么外面

It’s raining again 又下雨了

Still having breakfast  还在吃早饭

Bear me  天哪

Always get up late  都很晚起床

be going to do something  将要做某事


Lesson 03

Always spoil  总是破坏

Last summer 去年夏天

Visited museums 参观了博物馆

Public garden 公共公园(公园)

Friendly waiter 友好的侍从

Taught me  教我

A few words 几句话

Lent me a book或lent a book to me 借给我一本书

Borrow a book from you 借给你一本书

A few lines  几行

Every day 每天

Thought a bout postcards 明信片的事

On the last day 到了最后一天

Made a big decision 做了一个重大决定

Spent the whole day 关了一整天

Write a single card 写了一张卡


Lesson 04

Already visited 已经去过

A great number of…….  许多……..

A great number of place 许多地方

Small town 小镇

In the center of  在……..中心

Soon visit  不久去旅游

From there  从那离

Very exciting 非常激动人心


 Lesson 05

Bought another garage 买了另外一个修理厂

Only five miles 只有五英里

From Silbury 距……..,离…….,,

Get a telephone 安装一部电话

First message 第一封信

Covered the distance 越过全部距离

Bird covered the distance 小鸟飞过全程

In the three minutes 用了一分钟

Up to now 到此为止

A great many  许多的

Spare part  备件

Other urgent messages 其他紧急信件

From one garage to the other 


In this way  就这样

Begun  begin的过去分词

Own private service 特有的私人业务


Lesson 06

Knocked at my door  敲我的门

Ask sb.for sth.  向某人索要某物

He asked me for a meal  他向我要一顿饭

In return for this  作为回报

Stood on his head  顶头倒立

Went away 走了

Go away  走开

He call at every house in the street


Once a month 每一个月



All morning  整个早上

A valuable parcel 一个重要包裹

A few hours earlier  数小时以前

Try to steal  准备偷

Some of the detective 一些侦探

While others  另外一些

Took the parcel off the plane 从飞机上拿下

Keep guard 守卫

Two other 另外两个

To their surprise 使他们吃惊的是

Precious parcel  重要的包裹

Full of ……..  装的…..

Too late  为时太晚


Lesson 08

The best and the worst  最好的和最坏的

Most beautiful garden 最漂亮的公园

Nearly everyboby enter for...几乎每个人参加

Enter for 报告参加(各种竞赛、考试等活动)

The nicest garden competition 最好花园竞赛

Each year 每年

Every time 每次

More flowers and vegetables  更多的花卉和蔬菜

More interesting 更有情趣

Neat path 整洁的小路

Built a wooden bridge 架了一座木桥

Over a pool 池塘上

Hard work 努力工作

Every garden 每年

Worst garden  最差的花园


 Lesson 09

On Wednesday evening 星期三的晚上

Last day of the year  一年的最后一天

A large crowd of people 一大群人

Strike twelve  敲响几下

In twenty minutes’ time  20分钟之后

Fifteen minutes passed and then 15分钟过去了

At five to twelve  在11点55分时

We waited and waited  我们等啊等

Nothing happened  什么事也没有发生

Someone shouted  有人喊道

Two minute past twelve  12点零2分

It was true 果真如此

At that moment 在那时

Began to laugh 开始大笑


 Lesson 10

Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐

Old musical instrument  古乐器

Two of strings 两根琴键

Not allowed to touch it  不允许触摸他

Not allowed to move it   不允许动他

It is being repaired by ….. 正在修理by 谁


Lesson 11

One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来

Have ago 曾经

He gets a good salary  他的薪水很高

Never pays it back  而且从来不还

Sat at the same table 坐到同一张桌子

To my surprise  令我惊奇的是


Lesson 12

At the harbour 在港口

A famous little boat 有名的小艇

Ailed across 横渡

Marry time 多次

Have plenty to time 有充足的时间

Away for two months 离开两个月

Very proud 感到自豪

Take part 参加


Lesson 13

A group of pop singers 流行歌曲演唱团

At present  目前

All parts of the country 全国各地

Most of the young boys  大部分年轻人

Staying for five days  逗留5天

During this time 在此期间

Give five performances  演出5场

As usual  同往常一样

Difficult time 难受的日子

Keep order 维持次序

Always the same  总是一样

On these occasion 在这样的场合


 Lesson 14

Amusing experience  有趣的经历

Small village  小村庄

Next town  下一个镇

On the way  途中

Ask for lift 要求搭车

As soon as  一…就…

As soon as he had got into the car ,I said good morning。


He replied in the same language 他用同样的语言回答我

Apart from  除了….以外

Apart from a few words 除简单的几个单词外

I do not know any French at all  我根本不会法语

Neither of us spoke during the journey  旅途中我们谁也没有说话

Nearly reach 几乎(快要)到了

As I soon learnt  我很快了解到

He was English himself  他自己就是英国人


 Lesson 15

Very nervous  非常紧张

Not look up from

Could not afford to 不可能支付

Pay such large salaries 如此庞大的工资

Already left  已经离去

That my turn had come 这次该轮到我了

I said in a weak voice 我无力的说

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